In this post, we’ll dive into the basics of copywriting and how to get started. If you’re looking for a more advanced guide, check out my other posts on copywriting:
What is a copywriter?
A copywriter is someone who produces written content (i.e., copy) for a living. The content they write is typically trying to sell something (though this isn’t always the case), and can include:
- Sales pages. This is a single page on a website that’s dedicated to selling a product. Some of the best sales pages from our site have converted more than $100,000 in sales in a single week.
- Email funnels. A series of emails to help connect with your reader and sell your product. Doing it well can result in seven-figure sales.
- Landing pages. These are pages on your site that a reader “lands” on after clicking a link. Typically, they include a call to sign up for a newsletter and help generate leads.
- Blog posts / articles. Free content on your site that serves one purpose: To educate and/or entertain your readers.
- Social media posts. Contrary to popular belief, sending off that tweet or Instagram post isn’t all memes and cat GIFs.
- Case studies. This is an article that’s a detailed look at an event or person. That can be a product launch, a business opening, or how someone made a $1,000 product in one week.
The more unnecessary quotation marks there are, the better the copy is … right?
When you develop the skills required to become a good copywriter, you’ll be able to draw in more traffic and boost your profits as a result.
Copywriting helped me turn my tiny blog which I started in my dorm room in college into a traffic powerhouse after studying the masters of copywriting.
My revenue has increased since honing my copywriting skills.
Moral of the story: Don’t sleep on copywriting. If you’re willing to put in the effort to learn the craft, you’ll have a marketable skill that’ll be attractive to any business owner looking to boost profits — especially if that business owner is you.
5 copywriting skills you need to master
Here are the five essential copywriting skills you need to master:
1. Focusing on the reader
This is the most important rule for a copywriter.
Imagine you just met someone at a party so you strike up a conversation. Immediately, they jump into a story about themselves and their life and all the things that they want. The conversation soon turns into a monologue while you can’t get a word in.
Ugh, doesn’t feel good does it? You’re on the verge of muttering something about accidentally leaving your stove on at home and heading out the door.
Now imagine you meet someone else at this party. This person asks you about your life: What do you do? Who do you know here? Are you enjoying the party? As you talk, they listen closely to what you say and respond to everything with thoughtful consideration.
This feels fantastic! It really seems like this person really knows and is connecting with you even though you just met.
This is the importance of focusing on your reader. When you make the copy about yourself and what you can do, you fall victim to “I, I, I Syndrome.”
Here’s a good example of that:
This kills the sales. Honestly, who cares what you can provide. What’s in it for me, the customer?
Bad writers make it about themselves. Good writers make it about what the reader cares about — which brings us to …
2. Highlighting the benefits instead of talking about the features
What do you have to offer to the reader? More importantly, why should they care about what you have to offer?
As the old marketing maxim goes:
“Buyers don’t want a new bed. Buyers want a good night’s sleep.”
A new bed is just a feature — but a good night’s sleep is something the reader wants.
Let’s look at another example:
“This e-book is a 6-week course on personal finance.”
Boring. Now think. What would the benefits of something like this be like?
A few good answers:
- “This e-book helps you save money passively so it’s pain-free!”
- “You’ll learn how to optimize your credit cards so you get rewards like first-class plane tickets.”
- “Crush your debt with an easy 5-step system.”
Here are some other examples of features versus benefits:
In the end, remember to show, don’t tell. Give the readers a picture of what will happen when they get your offer.
3. Talking like a human
Ernest Hemingway famously feuded with fellow writer William Faulkner, in which he laid down one of the sickest literary burns of all time: “Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?”
Copywriters should get those words tattooed on their arms. Too often beginners think that big words and complicated sentences show readers how smart they are. In reality, it’s an easy way to alienate and confuse them.
Use common words and stories when you write.
A good way to do this is with the “Bar Stool Test.”
Imagine you’re at a bar with your buddies. Over a beer, he asks you about your fitness coaching business. Which would you say?
- (A) “I motivate individuals to reach their fullest potential by maximizing and optimizing their muscle growth and cardiovascular health.”
- (B) “I help clients get six-pack abs just in time for beach season.”
Obviously option B — unless you want to get some weird looks from your friend.
Write the same way you talk. If you wouldn’t say it to your buddy at a bar, don’t say it in your copy.
Have you read my NYT Bestselling book yet? If not, watch this 10 minute summary while you’re here!
Or, download the first chapter right to your device:
4. Researching both your audience, and your craft
Let’s begin by examining who your audience really is and what they care about.
Your audience
Remember how we said to focus on the reader? Find out their pain points. What are their likes and dislikes? What do they struggle with day in and day out, and why are you the one to solve those problems for them?
Good copy is crafted before you even pull up the word document — and it all starts with customer research. Here are some quick resources you can use:
Your craft
Good copywriters are good readers.
And even though you’ll never have a master like David Ogilvy or Tony Ho Tran there to help, you DO have access to their writings.
If you’re new to this and don’t know where to start, don’t worry. Here’s my curated list of the 20 best copywriting books you need on your shelf.
Also, check out this video where I break down three of my favorite copywriting books.
5. Constantly practice
Here’s the secret to copywriting that no one will ever tell you: It’s all about iteration.
Copywriting is a skill, just like playing an instrument and learning a new language. The more you do it, the better at it you’ll get.
You’ll never hear other websites talk about it. It’s not sexy. It’s boring. BUT how much you write copy and put in the research for it will determine how good you are.

It’s one of the best things I’ve published (and 100% free), just tell me where to send it: